Pounds to Kilograms Conversion Online calculator converter
Online calculator - converter: Pounds to Kilograms Conversion
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Pounds to Kilograms

This calculator provides online conversion of pounds to kilograms and backwards (kg to lb ).

Enter lb or kg for conversion:

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Conversion Table

Pounds to kilograms (lb to kg) Conversion Table:
Pounds to kilograms
1.0 = 0.454
2.0 = 0.907
3.0 = 1.361
4.0 = 1.814
5.0 = 2.268
6.0 = 2.722
7.0 = 3.175
8.0 = 3.629
9.0 = 4.082
10.0 = 4.536
lb to kg
20.0 = 9.072
30.0 = 13.608
40.0 = 18.144
50.0 = 22.680
60.0 = 27.216
70.0 = 31.751
80.0 = 36.287
90.0 = 40.823
100 = 45.359
500 = 226.796
Kilograms to pounds (kg to lb) Conversion Table:
Kilograms to pounds
1.0 = 2.205
2.0 = 4.409
3.0 = 6.614
4.0 = 8.818
5.0 = 11.023
6.0 = 13.228
7.0 = 15.432
8.0 = 17.637
9.0 = 19.842
10.0 = 22.046
kg to lb
20.0 = 44.092
30.0 = 66.139
40.0 = 88.185
50.0 = 110.231
60.0 = 132.277
70.0 = 154.324
80.0 = 176.370
90.0 = 198.416
100 = 220.462
500 = 1102.311

The international pound is equal to 453.59237 grams. The definition of the international pound was agreed by the United States and countries of the Commonwealth of Nations (Canada, New Zealand, Australia) in 1958. In the United Kingdom, the use of the pound was implemented in the Weights and Measures Act 1963. The pound and the kilogram are the units of measurement of mass. An avoirdupois pound is equal to 16 ounces and to exactly 7,000 grains.


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Weight Conversion

Ounces to grams (oz to gr)
Grams to ounces (gr to oz)
Pounds to kilograms (lb to kg)
Kilograms to pounds (kg to lb)
Grams to kilograms (g to kg)
Kilograms to grams (kg to g)
Kilograms to ounces (kg to oz)
Ounces to kilograms (oz to kg)
Kilograms to newtons (kg to N)
Newtons to kilograms (N to kg)
Newtons to pounds (N to lb)
Pounds to newtons (lb to N)
Milligrams to kilograms (mg to kg)
Kilograms to milligrams (kg to mg)
Kilograms to tonnes (kg to t)
Tonnes to kilograms (t to kg)
Short tons to kilograms (t to kg)
Kilograms to short tons (kg to t)
Metric tons to short tons (t to ST)
Short tons to tons [metric] (ST to t)
Kilograms to stones (kg to st)
Stones to kilograms (st to kg)
Milligrams to grams (mg to g)
Grams to milligrams (g to mg)
Milligrams to micrograms (mg to mcg)
Micrograms to milligrams (mcg to mg)
Micrograms to grams (mcg to g)
Grams to micrograms (g to mcg)
Grains to grams (gr to g)
Grams to grains (g to gr)
Ounces to grains (oz to gr)
Grains to ounces (gr to oz)
Carats to grams (ct to g)
Grams to carats (g to ct)
Karats to gold hallmarks (kt to hallmark)
Gold hallmarks to karats (hallmark to kt)
Carats to ounces (ct to oz)
Ounces to carats (oz to ct)
Milligrams to ounces (mg to oz)
Ounces to milligrams (oz to mg)
Milligrams to pounds (mg to lb)
Pounds to milligrams (lb to mg)
Kilonewtons to tons (metric ton-force) (kN to t)
Ton-forces to kilonewtons (t to kN)
Newtons to kilonewtons (N to kN)
Kilonewtons to newtons (kN to N)
Kilonewtons to pounds-force (kN to lb)
Pounds-force to kilonewtons (lbf to kN)
Tonnes to pounds (t to lb)
Pounds to tonnes (metric tons) (lb to t)
Short tons to pounds (t to lb)
Pounds to short tons (US) (lb to t)
Pounds to grams (lb to g)
Grams to pounds (g to lb)
Pounds to ounces (lb to oz)
Ounces to pounds (oz to lb)
Stones to pounds (st to lb)
Pounds to stones (lb to st)
Cups to fluid ounces (c to fl oz)
Fluid ounces to cups (fl oz to c)
Troy ounces to ounces (ozt to oz)
Ounces to troy ounces (oz to ozt)
Troy ounces to grams (ozt to g)
Grams to troy ounces (g to ozt)

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