Milligrams to Grams Conversion Online calculator converter
Online calculator - converter: Milligrams to Grams Conversion
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Milligrams to Grams

This calculator provides conversion of milligrams to grams and backwards (g to mg).

Enter milligrams or grams for conversion:

Select conversion type:

Rounding options:

Conversion Table

milligram to grams Conversion Table:
mg to g
1.0 = 0.001
2.0 = 0.002
3.0 = 0.003
4.0 = 0.004
5.0 = 0.005
6.0 = 0.006
7.0 = 0.007
8.0 = 0.008
9.0 = 0.009
milligram to grams
10 = 0.01
20 = 0.02
30 = 0.03
40 = 0.04
50 = 0.05
100 = 0.1
500 = 0.5
1000 = 1
5000 = 5
grams to milligrams Conversion Table:
g to mg
1.0 = 1000
2.0 = 2000
3.0 = 3000
4.0 = 4000
5.0 = 5000
6.0 = 6000
7.0 = 7000
8.0 = 8000
9.0 = 9000
grams to milligrams
10 = 10000
20 = 20000
30 = 30000
40 = 40000
50 = 50000
100 = 100000
500 = 500000
1000 = 1000000
5000 = 5000000

The milligram (British spelling: milligramme, abbreviation: mg) is a unit of mass in the SI system (metric system). One milligram is equal to one millionth of the kilogram (kg), which is the current SI (Metric system) base unit of mass. 1 milligram (mg) = 0.001 grams (g) = 0.000001 kilogram (kg) = 0.0000352739619 ounces (oz) = 0.00000220462262 pounds (lb).

All Calculators

Weight Conversion

Ounces to grams (oz to gr)
Grams to ounces (gr to oz)
Pounds to kilograms (lb to kg)
Kilograms to pounds (kg to lb)
Grams to kilograms (g to kg)
Kilograms to grams (kg to g)
Kilograms to ounces (kg to oz)
Ounces to kilograms (oz to kg)
Kilograms to newtons (kg to N)
Newtons to kilograms (N to kg)
Newtons to pounds (N to lb)
Pounds to newtons (lb to N)
Milligrams to kilograms (mg to kg)
Kilograms to milligrams (kg to mg)
Kilograms to tonnes (kg to t)
Tonnes to kilograms (t to kg)
Short tons to kilograms (t to kg)
Kilograms to short tons (kg to t)
Metric tons to short tons (t to ST)
Short tons to tons [metric] (ST to t)
Kilograms to stones (kg to st)
Stones to kilograms (st to kg)
Milligrams to grams (mg to g)
Grams to milligrams (g to mg)
Milligrams to micrograms (mg to mcg)
Micrograms to milligrams (mcg to mg)
Micrograms to grams (mcg to g)
Grams to micrograms (g to mcg)
Grains to grams (gr to g)
Grams to grains (g to gr)
Ounces to grains (oz to gr)
Grains to ounces (gr to oz)
Carats to grams (ct to g)
Grams to carats (g to ct)
Karats to gold hallmarks (kt to hallmark)
Gold hallmarks to karats (hallmark to kt)
Carats to ounces (ct to oz)
Ounces to carats (oz to ct)
Milligrams to ounces (mg to oz)
Ounces to milligrams (oz to mg)
Milligrams to pounds (mg to lb)
Pounds to milligrams (lb to mg)
Kilonewtons to tons (metric ton-force) (kN to t)
Ton-forces to kilonewtons (t to kN)
Newtons to kilonewtons (N to kN)
Kilonewtons to newtons (kN to N)
Kilonewtons to pounds-force (kN to lb)
Pounds-force to kilonewtons (lbf to kN)
Tonnes to pounds (t to lb)
Pounds to tonnes (metric tons) (lb to t)
Short tons to pounds (t to lb)
Pounds to short tons (US) (lb to t)
Pounds to grams (lb to g)
Grams to pounds (g to lb)
Pounds to ounces (lb to oz)
Ounces to pounds (oz to lb)
Stones to pounds (st to lb)
Pounds to stones (lb to st)
Cups to fluid ounces (c to fl oz)
Fluid ounces to cups (fl oz to c)
Troy ounces to ounces (ozt to oz)
Ounces to troy ounces (oz to ozt)
Troy ounces to grams (ozt to g)
Grams to troy ounces (g to ozt)

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