Square Kilometers to Square Miles Conversion Online calculator converter
Online calculator - converter: Square Kilometers to Square Miles Conversion
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Square Kilometers to Square Miles

This calculator provides conversion of square kilometers to square miles and backwards (sq mi to sq km).

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Conversion Table

square kilometer to square miles Conversion Table:
sq km to sq mi

1.0 = 0.38610
2.0 = 0.77220
3.0 = 1.15831
4.0 = 1.54441
5.0 = 1.93051
6.0 = 2.31661
7.0 = 2.70272
8.0 = 3.08882
9.0 = 3.47492
square kilometer to square miles

10 = 3.86102
20 = 7.72204
30 = 11.58306
40 = 15.44409
50 = 19.30511
100 = 38.61022
500 = 193.05108
1000 = 386.10216
5000 = 1930.51079
square miles to square kilometers Conversion Table:
sq mi to sq km

1.0 = 2.58999
2.0 = 5.17998
3.0 = 7.76996
4.0 = 10.35995
5.0 = 12.94994
6.0 = 15.53993
7.0 = 18.12992
8.0 = 20.7199
9.0 = 23.30989
square miles to square kilometers

10 = 25.89988
20 = 51.79976
30 = 77.69964
40 = 103.59952
50 = 129.49941
100 = 258.99881
500 = 1294.99406
1000 = 2589.98811
5000 = 12949.94055

The square kilometer (abbreviation: sq km or km2, plural form: square kilometers; British spelling: square kilometre) is a derived metric unit of area used in SI system (International System of Units, Metric System). One square kilometer = 0.386102159 square miles (sq mi., mi2) = 100 hectares = 247.105381 acres = 1 195 990.05 square yards = 1 000 000 square meters = 1550003100 square inch = 10763910.4 square feet

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Area Conversion

Square feet to square meters (sq ft to sq m)
Square meters to square feet (sq m to sq ft)
Square centimeters to square inches (sq cm to sq in)
Square inches to square centimeters (sq in to sq cm)
Square inches to square decimeters (sq in to sq dm)
Square decimeters to square inches (sq dm to sq in)
Square decimeters to square feet (sq dm to sq ft)
Square feet to square decimeters (sq ft to sq dm)
Square feet to square yards (sq ft to sq yd)
Square yards to square feet (sq yd to sq ft)
Square yards to square meters (sq yd to sq m)
Square meters to square yards (sq m to sq yd)
Square yards to acres (sq yd to ac.)
Acres to square yards (ac to sq yd)
Acres to square feet (ac to sq ft)
Square feet to acres (sq ft to ac)
Square kilometers to acres (sq km to ac)
Acres to square kilometers (ac to sq km)
Acres to square meters (ac to sq m)
Square meters to acres (sq m to ac)
Acres to square miles (ac to sq mi)
Square miles to acres (sq mi to ac)
Square miles to square kilometers (sq mi to sq km)
Square kilometers to square miles (sq km to sq mi)
Square miles to hectares (sq mi to ha)
Hectares to square miles (ha to sq mi)
Hectares to square kilometers (ha to sq km)
Square kilometers to hectares (sq km to ha)
Square meters to hectares (sq m to ha)
Hectares to square meters (ha to sq m)
Square kilometers to square meters (sq km to sq m)
Square meters to square kilometers (sq m to sq km)
Square kilometers to square yards (sq km to sq yd)
Square yards to square kilometers (sq yd to sq km)
Hectares to acres (ha to ac)
Acres to hectares (ac to ha)
Square feet to square centimeters (sq ft to sq cm)
Square centimeters to square feet (sq cm to sq ft)
Square centimeters to square millimeters (sq cm to sq mm)
Square millimeters to square centimeters (sq mm to sq cm)

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