Cubic Meters to Liters Conversion Online calculator converter
Online calculator - converter: Cubic Meters to Liters Conversion
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Cubic Meters to Liters

This calculator provides conversion of cubic meters to liters and backwards (l to m3).

Enter cubic meters or liters for conversion:

Select conversion type:

Rounding options:

Conversion Table

cubic meter to liters Conversion Table:
m3 to l
1.0 = 1000
2.0 = 2000
3.0 = 3000
4.0 = 4000
5.0 = 5000
cubic meter to liters
6.0 = 6000
7.0 = 7000
8.0 = 8000
9.0 = 9000
10  = 10000

liters to cubic meters Conversion Table:
l to m3
1.0 = 0.001
2.0 = 0.002
3.0 = 0.003
4.0 = 0.004
5.0 = 0.005
liters to cubic meters
6.0 = 0.006
7.0 = 0.007
8.0 = 0.008
9.0 = 0.009
10  = 0.010

1 cubic meter (m3 or cu m) = 1000 liters (l) = 35.3146667 cubic feet (cu ft or ft3) = 264.172052 US gallon (gal) = 1000000 milliliters (ml) = 1056.68821 US quarts (qt) = 2113.37642 US pints (pt) = 33814.0227 US fluid ounces (fl. oz.) = 202884.136 US teaspoons (tsp) = 67628.0454 US tablespoons (tbsp) = 6.28981077 US oil barrels (abbreviation: bbl).

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Volume Conversion

Milliliters to gallons (ml to gal)
Gallons to milliliters (gal to ml)
Milliliters to fluid ounces (ml to oz)
Fl oz to ml (US fluid ounce to milliliter)
Fl oz to l (US fluid ounce to liter)
Gallon to Liter ( US Gal to L )
Liters to Gallons U.S. ( L to gal )
Teaspoons to tablespoons (tsp to tbsp)
Tablespoons to teaspoons (tbsp to tsp)
Teaspoons to milliliters (tsp to ml)
Milliliters to teaspoons (ml to tsp)
Teaspoons to cups (tsp to cup)
Cups to teaspoons (cup to tsp)
Teaspoons to fluid ounces (tsp to fl oz)
Fluid ounces to teaspoons (fl oz to tsp)
Tablespoons to cups (tbsp to c)
Cups to tablespoons (c to tbsp)
Tablespoons to fluid ounces (tbsp to fl oz)
Fluid ounces to tablespoons (fl oz to tbsp)
Tablespoons to milliliters (tbsp to ml)
Milliliters to tablespoons (ml to tbsp)
Pints to quarts (pt to qt)
Quarts to pints (qt to pt)
Pints to gallons (pt to gal)
Gallons to pints (gal to pt)
Pints to liters (pt to l)
Liters to pints (l to pt)
Pints to cups (pt to c)
Cups to pints (c to pt)
Pints to fluid ounces (pt to fl oz)
Fluid ounces to pints (fl oz to pt)
Pints to milliliters (pt to ml)
Milliliters to pints (ml to pt)
Quarts to gallons (qt to gal)
Gallons to quarts (gal to qt)
Quarts to liters (qt to l)
Liters to quarts (l to qt)
Quarts to cups (qt to c)
Cups to quarts (c to qt)
Quarts to fluid ounces (qt to fl oz)
Fluid ounces to quarts (fl oz to qt)
Quarts to milliliters (qt to ml)
Milliliters to quarts (ml to qt)
Oil barrels to gallons (bbl to gal)
Gallons to oil barrels (gal to bbl)
Oil barrels to liters (bbl to l)
Liters to oil barrels (l to bbl)
Gallons to imperial (UK) gallons (gal to UK gal)
Imperial (UK) gallons to gallons (UK gal to gal)
Gallons to cubic feet (gal to cu ft) or (gal to ft3)
Cubic feet to gallons (cu ft to gal) or (ft3 to gal)
Cubic meters to cubic feet (cu m to cu ft) or (m3 to ft3)
Cubic feet to cubic meters (cu ft to cu m) or (ft3 to m3)
Cubic yards to cubic feet (cu yd to cu ft) or (yd3 to ft3)
Cubic feet to cubic yards (cu ft to cu yd) or (ft3 to yd3)
Liters to cubic feet (l to cu ft) or (l to ft3)
Cubic feet to liters (cu ft to l) or (ft3 to l)
Cubic feet to cubic inches (cu ft to cu in) or (ft3 to in3)
Cubic inches to cubic feet (cu in to cu ft) or (in3 to ft3)
Liters to cubic meters (l to m3)
Cubic meters to liters (m3 to l)
Cubic meters to cubic yards (cu m to cu yd) or (m3 to yd3)
Cubic yards to cubic meters (cu yd to cu m) or (yd3 to m3)
Milliliters to cubic centimeters (ml to cc)
Cubic centimeters to milliliters (cc to ml)

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