Fluid Ounces to Pints Conversion Online calculator converter
Online calculator - converter: Fluid Ounces to Pints Conversion
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Fluid Ounces to Pints

This calculator provides conversion of fluid ounces to pints and backwards (pt to fl oz).

Enter fluid ounces or pints for conversion:

Select conversion type:

Rounding options:

Conversion Table

fluid ounce to pints Conversion Table:
fl oz to pt
1.0 = 0.0625
2.0 = 0.1250
3.0 = 0.1875
4.0 = 0.2500
5.0 = 0.3125
fluid ounce to pints
6.0 = 0.3750
7.0 = 0.4375
8.0 = 0.5000
9.0 = 0.5625
10  = 0.6250

pints to fluid ounces Conversion Table:
pt to fl oz
1.0 = 16
2.0 = 32
3.0 = 48
4.0 = 64
5.0 = 80
pints to fluid ounces
6.0 = 96
7.0 = 112
8.0 = 128
9.0 = 144
10  = 160

1 US fluid ounce (fl oz) = 0.0625 US pints (pt) = 0.03125 US quarts (qt) = 0.125 US cups (c) = 6 US teaspoons = 2 US tablespoons = 29.5735296 milliliters (ml) = 0.0295735296 liters (l).

All Calculators

Volume to Weight Conversion

Cups to grams [water] (c to g)
Grams to cups [water] (g to c)
Cups to pounds [water] (c to lb)
Pounds to cups [water] (lb to c)
Micrograms to milliliters [water] (mcg to ml)
Milliliters to micrograms [water] (ml to mcg)
Teaspoons to grams [water] (tsp to g)
Grams to teaspoons [water] (g to tsp)
Tablespoons to grams [water] (tbsp to g)
Grams to tablespoons [water] (g to tbsp)
Milligrams to cubic centimeters [water] (mg to cc)
Cubic centimeters to milligrams [water] (cc to mg)
Grams to milliliters [water] (g to ml)
Milliliters to grams [water] (ml to g)
Kilograms to liters [water] (kg to l)
Liters to kilograms [water] (l to kg)
Kilograms to milliliters [water] (kg to ml)
Milliliters to kilograms [water] (ml to kg)
Cubic centimeters to grams [water] (cc to g)
Grams to cubic centimeters [water] (g to cc)

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