Horsepower to Kilowatt (hp to kW) Conversion Online calculator converter
Online calculator - converter: Horsepower to Kilowatt (hp to kW) Conversion
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Horsepower to Kilowatt (hp to kW)

This calculator provides conversion of metric horsepower to kilowatts and backwards (kW to hp).

Enter horsepower or kilowatts for conversion:

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Conversion Table

hp to kW Conversion Table:
hp to kW
1.0 = 0.735
2.0 = 1.471
3.0 = 2.206
4.0 = 2.942
5.0 = 3.677
6.0 = 4.413
7.0 = 5.148
8.0 = 5.884
9.0 = 6.619
horsepower to kilowatts
10 = 7.355
20 = 14.710
30 = 22.065
40 = 29.420
50 = 36.775
100 = 73.550
500 = 367.749
1000 = 735.499
5000 = 3677.494
kilowatts to horsepower Conversion Table:
kW to hp
1.0 = 1.360
2.0 = 2.719
3.0 = 4.079
4.0 = 5.438
5.0 = 6.798
6.0 = 8.158
7.0 = 9.517
8.0 = 10.877
9.0 = 12.237
kilowatts to horsepower
10 = 13.596
20 = 27.192
30 = 40.789
40 = 54.385
50 = 67.981
100 = 135.962
500 = 679.811
1000 = 1359.622
5000 = 6798.108

Metric horsepower is exactly defined as 0.73549875 kW (kilowatts), that is roughly 98.6% of US mechanical horsepower. Metric horse power is widely used in auto industry to indicate power of car engines in Europe and Asia. French, Japanese, Korean, German, Swedish, Italian and other automobile companies use this unit. Metric horse power was first used in the 19th century in Europe, primary in Germany and them was adopted in Asia. British car manufacturers and dealers can intermix metric horsepower and US mechanical horsepower depending on particular marketed product. The unit can have different abbreviations -for example "CV", "PS", "pk" or "ch" but all translated to "horse power" or "hp" in English language.
This online calculator provides conversion of horsepower to kW and backwards kilowatts to hp.

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Automotive Engine Power Conversion

Horsepower to Kilowatt (hp to kW)
Kilowatts to Horsepower (kW to hp)
Kilowatts to US Horsepower (kW to hp, US)
US Horsepower to Kilowatt (US hp to kW)

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