Kelvin to  Celsius (K to °C) Conversion Online calculator converter
Online calculator - converter: Kelvin to  Celsius (K to °C) Conversion
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Kelvin to Celsius (K to °C)

This calculator provides conversion of temperature in Kelvin to degrees Celsius and backwards °C to K.

Enter degrees Kelvin or Celsius for conversion:

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Conversion Table

Kelvin to Celsius Conversion Table:
K to °C
1.0 = -272.15
2.0 = -271.15
3.0 = -270.15
4.0 = -269.15
5.0 = -268.15
6.0 = -267.15
7.0 = -266.15
8.0 = -265.15
9.0 = -264.15
Kelvin to Celsius
10 = -263.15
20 = -253.15
30 = -243.15
40 = -233.15
50 = -223.15
100 = -173.15
500 = 226.85
1000 = 726.85
5000 = 4726.85
°Celsius to Kelvin Conversion Table:
°C to K
1.0 = 274.15
2.0 = 275.15
3.0 = 276.15
4.0 = 277.15
5.0 = 278.15
6.0 = 279.15
7.0 = 280.15
8.0 = 281.15
9.0 = 282.15
Celsius to Kelvins
10 = 283.15
20 = 293.15
30 = 303.15
40 = 313.15
50 = 323.15
100 = 373.15
500 = 773.15
1000 = 1273.15
5000 = 5273.15

Conversion formula: kelvin =  273.15 + Celsius and °C = − 273.15. Absolute zero: 0 K = -273.15 degrees Celsius. The kelvin (K) is a unit of temperature and a unit of SI (International System of Units). The Kelvin temperature scale is an absolute scale where zero K is an absolute absence of any thermal energy. The kelvin unit is named after the British scientist William Thomson (1824–1907), who developed the absolute temperature scale. Please note that kelvin is not referred to as a "degree", and written without ° (degree symbol).

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Temperature Conversion

°F to °C - Fahrenheit to Celsius degrees
°C to °F - Celsius to Fahrenheit degrees
Kelvin to Celsius (K to °C)
Celsius to Kelvin (°C to K)
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