L/100 km to MPG Conversion Online calculator converter
Online calculator - converter: L/100 km to MPG Conversion
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L/100km to MPG

This calculator provides conversion of Liters per 100 km to Miles per US gallon.

Enter L/100km or MPG for conversion:

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Conversion Table

L/100 km to MPG Conversion Table:
L/100 km to MPG
4.0 = 58.805
4.5 = 52.271
5.0 = 47.044
5.5 = 42.767
6.0 = 39.203
6.5 = 36.188
7.0 = 33.603
7.5 = 31.363
8.0 = 29.403
8.5 = 27.673
9.0 = 26.136
9.5 = 24.760
L/100 km to MPG
10.0 = 23.522
10.5 = 22.402
11.0 = 21.384
11.5 = 20.454
12.0 = 19.602
12.5 = 18.818
13.0 = 18.094
13.5 = 17.424
14.0 = 16.801
14.5 = 16.222
15.0 = 15.681
15.5 = 15.176
MPG to L/100 km Conversion Table:
MPG to L/100 km
15.5 = 15.176
16 = 14.701
17.5 = 13.441
18 = 13.068
19 = 12.38
20 = 11.761
21 = 11.201
22 = 10.692
23 = 10.227
24 = 9.801
25 = 9.409
= 9.047
MPG to L/100 km
27 = 8.712
28 = 8.401
30 = 7.841
32 = 7.351
34 = 6.918
36 = 6.534
38 = 6.19
40 = 5.881
42 = 5.600
44 = 5.346
46 = 5.113
48 = 4.900

This Online Fuel Economy / Efficiency Calculator Converter can convert MPG  to L/100 km and backwards l/100 km to  MPG.
Fuel economy
is the amount of fuel / gas required to move a car over distance. Fuel efficiency is the efficiency of converting energy contained in a carrier gas to kinetic energy. Fuel efficiency can also be the output car/SUV gets for a unit amount of fuel input such as "miles per gallon" or "liters per 100 kilometers" for a car/ SUV (sometimes called fuel economy).  Car / SUV fuel efficiency can be calculated in either MPG or l/100 km  (miles per gallon or Liters per 100 kilometers ). 


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Automotive Fuel Consumption

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